We have been practising telling the time this week. We can now read o’clock and half past times. Today we played time bingo. Super work Year 1.

Today in Year 1 we have been practising telling the time. We worked in partners to make o’clock and half past times. Fantastic work Year 1!

This term we having been learning about stop frame animations. Today we practised making our own stop frame animations with vehicles on the iPads.

Today in Year 1 we have started learning about ‘dividing’ or ‘sharing’ numbers. We started off by dividing by 2. We used cubes and hoops to help us work out the answers.

Today in Science Year 1 have been searching for signs of Spring. We went outside into the woodland area and found daffodils, bluebells and other flowers growing. We saw nests in the trees and lots of different insects such as ladybirds.

Today was World Book Day. Thank you everyone for making such an amazing effort with your costumes, you all looked fantastic!

This week in Year 1 we have some special visitors. The ducklings have arrived! Today we were all very excited to have the ducklings out and let them have a swim. We even got to hold or have a little stroke of the ducklings!

This week in computing we have been designing our own vehicles. We used lots of different tools and colours to make shapes and lines. Super work Year 1!

Welcome to Year 2 at Woodfield Primary