All posts by akelsall


This week in Year 1 we have some special visitors. The ducklings have arrived! Today we were all very excited to have the ducklings out and let them have a swim. We even got to hold or have a little stroke of the ducklings!


andy goldsworthy

This half term we have been looking at the work of an artist called Andy Goldsworthy. He uses nature to make his art sculptures. Today we went into the woodland area to make our own Andy Goldsworthy sculptures. Fantastic art work Year 1!


Greater than and less than

Today in maths we have been solving addition and subtraction sums. We had to work out the sum and decided if the answers were greater than or less than another sum. If the sum was incorrect we were allowed to move two number cards to make the sum correct. Great teamwork Year 1, well done!


Children’s mental health week

As part of ‘Children’s mental health week’ we talked about how to keep our body and our mind healthy. We talked about feelings and watched some clips from ‘Inside Out’. After we had watched the clips we discussed how the character felt and what she did, we also thought of ways the character could stay calm and not get upset in future.
