All posts by akelsall

Thank you

Thank you so much for all of our lovely Christmas gifts, we really appreciate all the thought and effort that goes into these gifts. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year!


All Year 1 Staff

Deciduous and evergreen trees

Today in our science lesson we learnt about deciduous and evergreen trees. We went to the woodland area to investigate the different types of trees. We bought in leaves that we found on the floor and looked at the names of the trees. We found some deciduous and some evergreen trees.



This week in English we have been using adjectives to describe characters and settings. On Tuesday we wrote a character description of Captain Hook from the story ‘Peter Pan’. Today we have designed our own Neverland and labelled it with lots of adjectives then we presented our designs to the rest of the class. Tomorrow we will use our designs to write a description of our setting.


Days of the week

This week in maths we are practising ‘time’. We are focusing on days of the week and months of the year. Today Year One practised ordering the days of the week. We sang the days of the week song and then made our own paper chains with the days of the week in order.


A new home for Father Christmas

This afternoon in our topic lesson Father Christmas asked us to design a new home for him and his elves. We visited the North Pole and looked at the weather. We talked about homes in cold places and decided on different materials the house could be made out of. We also decided the house should only have a few windows incase it gets too cold. Super home designs Year One, I think Father Christmas will be very impressed with your designs.




During December we are practising using bar models to solve mathematical problems. Today we had to solve an addition problem for Perkin the elf. We used counters to help us solve the problem in pairs.


The bear and the hare

This week in English we have been watching ‘The Bear and The Hare’. Today we made predictions about what we think happened after the bear saw the Christmas tree. Year 1 shared their ideas with a partner and made story maps. After that Year 1 presented their story maps to the class.
