The children celebrated max’s birthday by organising a birthday party.

The children have been making healthy pizzas! We had fun making the, then writing how did it.
The children are very eager to celebrate their very first Christmas at Woodfield!
Some children have even written their letters to Father Christmas already!
Look at our beautiful display.

The children have been programming bee bots this week. It is a lot trickier than it looks! Well done everybody.

The girls have been patiently waiting for their new pet chickens to lay some eggs. Yesterday was that magical day and they laid two eggs, a very small egg and a rough egg.
Johnnie and Tony delivered our handmade invitation to the buddies. The invitation is to invite them to Max’s birthday party on Friday. We have been busy organising . We have even invited the Queen!

The children have had good fun trying on our body suits and talking about our bones and organs.
Thank you to the children who have made beautiful poppies to be displayed outside of school. We will remember.

We are really enjoying learning about 2D shapes.

The children made Mrs Charnley and Mrs Lowe a diva lamp to celebrate Diwali.
Welcome to Year 2 at Woodfield Primary