we have had a good Friday tasting Chinese food and using chopsticks!
The children have created a dragon ready for their Chinese dragon dance to celebrate the new year.
The children were very proud to show the school their chinese dragon puppets. They are now displayed in the classroom , come and have a look!
The children have been creating kites. Decorating them with chinese writing and stickers. Come check them out in our classroom!
The children in Reception have worked very hard to create rattle drums to celebrate chinese new year.
We had a visit from Mrs Kelsall, She told us all about her job as a nurse. We had lots of children who were inspired by her and now want to become nurses in the future.
For Chinese new year the children wanted to spread good luck to the staff in Wood field school. They filled the envelopes with gold coins and delivered them.
The children have been enjoying playing the glockenspiels. We have playing along to nursery rhymes.
The children have made gold harps inspired by the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.
The Reception children are enjoying playing with the boat. They have been pretending to be life guards. We have been talking about being safe in the water.
Welcome to Year 2 at Woodfield Primary