All posts by akelsall

Fiction and nonfiction

This week in English we are learning about fiction and nonfiction books. Today we looked at the differences between fiction and nonfiction books and some features of fiction and nonfiction books. After that Year 1 had their own books to look at and sort into fiction or nonfiction.


Halving numbers

This week we have been learning about fractions. We have practised finding half of shapes. Today we have been learning how to half numbers. We found out that we can only halve even numbers and we practised sharing cubes and counters between two.



Today we have been practising asking questions. We had to ask different animals questions. After that we practised writing our questions, we had to make sure our questions started with a capital letter and ended with a question mark.



Our new topic this half term is ‘Homes’. In our English lessons this week we are writing a story based on the film ‘Up’. Today we made our own maps to Paradise Falls, we had to think about what prob,email Mr Fredrickson might encounter on his journey.


Three little pigs

Today in science the Three Little  Pigs asked us to test three different materials and find out which is the best to make their new house out of. We tested wood, paper and plastic. We predicted plastic would be the best because it is strong and waterproof, we were right! Well done Year 1 super investigating!


The koala who could

This week in English we are reading ‘The Koala Who Could’. Today we worked in partners to retell the story. We had to cut out the pictures and stick them in the correct order. Then we had to take turns telling our partner the story.


Shape hunting

This week Year 1 are learning about 2d shapes. Yesterday we went on a shape hunt. We were looking for circles, squares, rectangles and triangles. We looked in the classroom and on the playground. We found lots of circles, squares and rectangles but we couldn’t find many triangles.


Tennis taster

Today in PE we had a tennis taster session with Robin Park. We practised our coordination skills and skills using a ball and racket. It was lots of fun! Robin Park have invited all children for some free tennis sessions.


The gruffalo

Today in Year 1 we read ‘The Gruffalo’. After that we had to work in groups to act out the story. We had lots of fun being different characters and performing the story to the rest of the class.
